Passiflora, lectures and screenings by Maurizio Vecchia

Passiflora, conferences and projections made by Maurizio Vecchia. Discover the conferences with information and characteristics of the world of the Passiflora plant!


Passiflora, lectures and screenings by Maurizio Vecchia

Passiflora, all the colors of the rainbow.

During the Borgo Plantarum 2017 event in the small village of Castellarano (RE) I showed the passion flowers in order of color according to the colors of the rainbow.
From red to violet and more: white, black and color patterns.

Passiflora, lectures and screenings by Maurizio Vecchia

Messina Botanical Garden, 24 September 2023.

All about passion flowers.
The discovery and ancient prints, history, botanical classification, morphology, geographical distribution, cultivation, ethnobotany and pharmaceutical uses, the most beautiful species, hybrids and hybridization. A series of fascinating photographs.

Passiflora, lectures and screenings by Maurizio Vecchia

Estensi Gardens, Ferrara, 6 May 2023

After a few years, I accepted the second invitation to participate and enrich this interesting event.
The images of these flowers were truly astonishing.

Passiflora, lectures and screenings by Maurizio Vecchia

Milan, Brera Botanical Garden, 4 March 2023

Thanks to the Lombard section of the A.Di.P.A. (Research, diffusion and conservation of rare and unusual plants) I had the pleasure of presenting this extraordinary genus of plants to members and enthusiasts in one of the most suitable locations in Milan.
There was a pleasant and participatory debate.

Passiflora, lectures and screenings by Maurizio Vecchia

Milan, Horticultural Exhibition 2022. 8 May 2022

Inside the prestigious Orticola Market Exhibition, a new topic: passion flowers.

Passiflora, lectures and screenings by Maurizio Vecchia

Plant hunters and collectors from the 16th century to today.

Dr. Eraldo Antonini spoke about plant hunters over the centuries.
I then illustrated my botanical travels in search of passion flowers in the Amazon forests.

Passiflora, lectures and screenings by Maurizio Vecchia

Passion flower species and hybrids that can be cultivated in the Po Valley.

I presented the passiflora genus and the rustic species and hybrids to a large botanical group present in the municipality of Piazza Brembana (BG).
This group deals with native flora and orchids present in their forests, but they have not forgotten a vision of flowers from distant lands.

Passiflora, lectures and screenings by Maurizio Vecchia

Plant hunters and collectors from the sixteenth century to today.

With Dr. Eraldo Antonini, within the Mantua Literature Festival, we presented this very interesting topic. The dr. Antonini made an excursus of the numerous and heroic plant hunters of the past centuries, their adventures and the ingenious means used to bring home new previously unknown species. I then went on to tell my research in the forests, presenting the environments and the 'prey' captured. This event is always reproducible by agreeing with dr. Antonini. 

Passiflora, lectures and screenings by Maurizio Vecchia

The genus Passiflora: species and hybrids suitable for the Italian climatic zones.

After a brief introduction on Gen. Passiflora, starting from colder climates to warmer ones, passiflora, species and hybrids that can be grown outdoors all year round, are presented. Their number increases as you pass from one area to another and the beauty of these beautiful vines also increases. 

Passiflora, lectures and screenings by Maurizio Vecchia

The genus Passiflora: species and hybrids suitable for the Sicilian climate.

In the 11th edition of the Conference 'The Marsalese Flower Nursery', I illustrated the passion flowers suitable for Sicilian climatic zones. In fact, in this region many passion flowers can be introduced and grown outdoors 

Passiflora, lectures and screenings by Maurizio Vecchia

Passion flowers in the various Italian climatic zones.

A reasoned description of the various Italian climatic zones and their determination according to various authors. Here are the passion flowers that can be grown outdoors

Passiflora, lectures and screenings by Maurizio Vecchia

Passiflore and more: my most beautiful botanical photographs.

A collection of my most beautiful botanical photographs through all the colors of the rainbow. 

Passiflora, lectures and screenings by Maurizio Vecchia

The leaves of the passion flowers.

In addition to the beauty of the flowers, many passion flowers have colorful and very decorative leaves. There are unusual shapes, mimetic and deceptive colors, tricks and tricks suitable to ward off harmful insects and animals, elaborate morphologies to attract ants ... All this creates an aesthetically extraordinary result that I want you to discover. 

Passiflora, lectures and screenings by Maurizio Vecchia

Passiflora hybrids.

Passiflora created by man: the most beautiful and appreciated hybrids from the oldest to the most recent. The report presents the parents and resulting hybrids in order to show both similarities and differences. The report presents the parents and resulting hybrids in order to show both similarities and differences 

Passiflora, lectures and screenings by Maurizio Vecchia

My 'creation': the hybrids made from 1997 to today.

In this presentation we scroll, in chronological order, the long list of hybrids I created starting from the first, Passiflora 'Stella di Cremona' (1997) up to the most recent.
A long and fascinating collection of beauties that have never existed before and are appreciated and cultivated everywhere.

Passiflora, lectures and screenings by Maurizio Vecchia

Passion flowers in the Ligurian climate. The multifaceted beauty. Hanbury Gardens, 6 April 2014.

 The 'Friends of Hanbury Gardens' Association dedicated an event to the Passiflora genus.
They were illustrated in their multifaceted beauty and I presented the species and hybrids that can be cultivated in the Ligurian climate.

Passiflora, lectures and screenings by Maurizio Vecchia

The germination of seeds.

 All the mechanisms and tricks implemented by plants for the conservation of the species. Methods of dissemination, biological processes within the seed, dormancy, conditions of its development, hormones, etc. on a fascinating journey full of images

Passiflora, lectures and screenings by Maurizio Vecchia

French Guiana: the flora of the forest.

 Immersion in the Amazon rainforest of French Guiana, its flora, its fauna. Scenes and spectacles of nature and life in the villages

Passiflora, lectures and screenings by Maurizio Vecchia

French Guiana: the passion flowers of the forest.

Photographic account of numerous trips to the Amazon rainforest of French Guiana in search of passion flowers. Numerous images and beauties never seen before

Passiflora, lectures and screenings by Maurizio Vecchia

The Passiflora in antique botanical prints.

Upon their arrival in Europe, these plants fascinated botanical designers and many prints and illustrations were created. Starting from the first imaginative representations (Giacomo Bosio and others) where the symbolism of the Passion of Christ was placed in a realistic way in the flower, passing from the precise drawings made during botanical journeys and arriving up to the Botanical Magazine by W. Curtis, a wonderful review of these plants seen through the eyes of those who portrayed them 

Passiflora, lectures and screenings by Maurizio Vecchia

Attractive signals in the pollination of passion flowers.

The colour, scent and shape of the flowers are the signals that attract the precious pollinators: insects, hummingbirds and bats.
Nectar is their compensation.

Passiflora, lectures and screenings by Maurizio Vecchia

The hybridization of passion flowers.

While the number of passion flower species in nature is now exceeding around 700, numerous hybrids have been created, perhaps at least a thousand and more are being created continuously.
In this presentation I explain the technique and useful tricks for obtaining new plants and adding other beauties.

Passiflora, lectures and screenings by Maurizio Vecchia

The genus Passiflora

 The legend and the old prints, the history, the botanical classification, the morphology, the geographical distribution, the species, the hybrids and the hybridization, the cultivation. A roundup of fascinating photographs.

Passiflora, lectures and screenings by Maurizio Vecchia

Unusual and rare plants cultivable in the Po Valley.

 From large trees, to bushes, to vines, to bulbous plants, to herbaceous perennials and annuals, a rich and amazing overview of rare, forgotten and little-known plants that can be used in our gardens

Passiflora, lectures and screenings by Maurizio Vecchia

Unusual climbers and rustic passion flowers for our garden.

 In a synthesis of the first two titles, a journey inside climbing plants to enrich our garden.

Passiflora, lectures and screenings by Maurizio Vecchia

Brazil: flora and passion flowers on a botanical journey.

 Photographic report of a botanical journey in search of passion flowers. The plants encountered and the passion flowers discovered, the natural environments, the climate

Passiflora, lectures and screenings by Maurizio Vecchia

Unusual and unknown vines.

 A journey inside these plants with an intelligent habit; the tricks and tricks to climb to the top; the strangest and most unusual genres.

Passiflora, lectures and screenings by Maurizio Vecchia

Passiflora, lectures and screenings by Maurizio Vecchia

IMOLA: Naturalmente Imola, 12 ottobre 2024

 PASSIFLORA, MILLE BELLEZZE: un genere affascinante, la storia, le caratteristiche, le specie e gli ibridi.


These reports (made in Microsoft PowerPoint), have been presented on various occasions, including:'

  • BERGAMO, Gruppo Flora Alpina Bergamasca.
  • CASALE CREMASCO (CR), Sala del Comune (2 times).
  • CASALMAGGIORE (CR) Rotary Club (2 times).
  • CASTELLARANO (RE), Borgo Plantarum (2 times).
  • CASTELLEONE (CR) Lion Club.
  • CASTOZZA DI LONGARE (VI) Villa da Schio in Fiore.
  • CERNOBBIO (CO) Mostra Orticolario (2 times).
  • CODROIPO (UD), Floreal Fest a Villa Manin.
  • COMERIO (VA) Gruppo Utopia Tropicale.
  • CREMA (CR) Rotary Club.
  • CREMONA, Trad-Union Club.
  • FERRARA, Giardini Estensi (2 times).
  • GENOVA, Euroflora.
  • IMOLA (BO), Naturalmente Imola.
  • ISCHIA (NA), Ipomea del Negombo.
  • LUCCA, A.Di.P.A. Sede Centrale.
  • LUCCA, Mostra Mercato Murabilia (2 times).
  • MANTOVA, Festival della Letteratura.
  • MARSALA (TP) Convegno 'Il florovivaismo marsalese'.
  • MESSINA, Orto Botanico 'Pietro Castelli'.
  • MILANO, A.Di.P.A., Orto Botanico di Brera.
  • MILANO, Associazione Botanica Amatoriale (5 times).
  • MILANO, Invito al Giardino.
  • MILANO, Mostra mercato Orticola (2 volte)
  • MILANO, Sede Guardie Ecologiche Volontarie.
  • MODENA, Giardino Botanico Ducale (2 times).
  • MONOPOLI (BA) Vivai Capitanio.
  • MONZA, Amici del Verde (Monza).
  • PIAZZA BREMBANA (BG), Sala Comunale.
  • RIPALTA CREMASCA (CR) Municipal Library.
  • ROMA, Giardino Botanico, Meeting della P. S. I.
  • SALERNO, Mostra al Giardino della Minerva.
  • SANREMO (IM) Garden Club.
  • SANREMO (IM) Ist. Sper. di Floricoltura (3 volte).
  • SEVESO (MB), Mostra al bosco delle querce.
  • SOAVE (VR) A.Di.P.A. Veneto - 'Verdeggiando'.
  • TORINO, Gruppo Botanico.
  • TRENTO, Garden Club al Muse.
  • VENTIMIGLIA (IM), Giardini Hanbury (2 volte).
  • VERONA, Università, Istituto di Scienze.

Other topics on request.'

Passiflora, lectures and screenings by Maurizio Vecchia