SUBGENUS: decaloba
SUPERSECTION: auriculata
Bolivia, Brazil, Nicaragua, Guyana.
SYNONYMS: P. appendiculata G. F. W. Mey., P. cayaponioides Rusby, P. cinerea Poepp. & Endl., P. cryptopetala Hoehne, P. cyathophora Ham, P. kegeliana Garcke, P. rohrii DC., P. torta Mast.
ETYMOLOGY: From the Latin auriculatus, shaped like an ear.
The young and tender leaves of P. auriculata are a beautiful glossy green. As it grows, the brilliance fades and the texture of the lamina becomes leathery. Their shape is variable, so much so that there are whole leaves, with a broad semi-circular base and a lanceolate apex, almost whole with a hint of the two lateral lobes, or 3-lobed with rounded lobes. They reach a length of 15 cm and width of 10 cm. Singular glands typical of the subgenus Decaloba are scattered on the lamina in two rows, which are not always regular.
The flowers have no flashy or bright colours, nor are they of significant size. The dominant colour of the sepals and the sparse corona is yellow-green. The latter has a brown colouring at the base. The petals are white and the whole flower measures only 2 cm in diameter. Flowering, on the other hand, is unique, as it occurs with surprising synchrony throughout the plant. In fact, within 2-3 days, all the buds unfold and open flowers appear, carried in pairs at each node of the stem along the entire length of the shoots.
This plant has a large area of diffusion and is typical of French Guiana flora.
Its hardiness is limited by a minimum temperature of 10°C. It is therefore a
pot and greenhouse plant that is easy to propagate by cuttings and sowing.